How to stay safe when traveling — use city smarts
Hit-and-run thieves have many schemes for separating you from your possessions.
An email has just crossed my screen, pleading for help. It isn’t the first, and it won’t be the last. Another traveler has just been robbed in the Paris Métro. He claims he was on the lookout for people up to no good. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done. Stay safe while traveling by following these rules.
Hit-and-run thieves have more schemes for separating you from your possessions than Campbell’s has various soups. Anywhere in the world, travel using city smarts, and you'll do well.
These synchronized theft plots are seemingly innocent, but voilà, within minutes, you’ll emerge virtually nude and missing so many essentials your trip may be ruined. If not ruined, you’ll find yourself standing in line at your country’s consulate, hoping it can produce a replacement passport in time for you to make your outbound plane. Wouldn’t you be standing in the Louvre looking at a new exhibit instead? Or walking the streets of Paris or other cities being inspired by their architecture? Here are some current scams and situations that should raise caution and engage defensive street smarts when encountered.
Beware of groups
Gangs of kids or savvy (even grabby) adults looking to augment their incomes view vacationers as prey. No matter how cosmopolitan or sophisticated a tourist may seem, many appear tentative, especially in the midst of a crowd. This is especially true when they’re in a country where they don’t speak the language and haven’t developed a sixth sense of the rules of the local highway.
Even when people aren’t far from home, petty thefts are rampant. So many cell phones have been lifted in the Washington, DC, metro that the transport authority waged an anti-theft campaign. Steve Jobs would be proud his media players are so in demand. The powers-that-be in charge of the area’s subway have taken ads on local television stations instructing commuters how to avoid being ripped off. Imagine
there’s a secondary market.
Keep your smartphones, cameras, digital readers, and other devices out of sight.
If your iPhone or iPad disappears in Paris, don't report the loss to the police because you won't garner sympathy. They're today's prize, to the point that the Paris Mayor's office is trying to have them locked if used by anyone other than the rightful owner.
No, it's not a gold ring (just in case you are offered one)
Whatever you do, don't fall for the "gold" ring trick. No one will give you one, even if you supposedly dropped it. Keep trucking, even if it means walking (carefully) into the street. One friend always carries a whistle. It's not dumb to know how to yell "help" in the home language. In French, that's "au secours!" as in "o skoor" with a long o sound to open.
Think big city smarts.
There are so many things people can do in Paris and other EU cities and worldwide destinations where crowds gather. We’re not just talking about public transportation but sporting events, public places, and museums. Many go to markets only to discover they have no cash and/or credit cards when they reach to pay for that precious item they’ve discovered. The souvenir you planned to buy reminds you of your trip.
Stay alert. Be aware of what's happening around you.
When arriving at your destination, stay awake long enough to clear Customs and be 100 percent certain that after you’ve done so, you’ve organized your essential papers, credit cards, money, etc. Whatever you do, place the collection on your body, luggage, and split valuables if you’re traveling with a companion. Do not do as many travelers do; carry any of these important items in your pockets and/or backpacks. If they're grouped, it’s a cinch for thieves to grab your necessary papers. Please remember, they know the airport or train station much better than you and the fastest exit. Your papers will likely be long gone before you know you’ve lost them.
Public transportation is the site of many thefts.
Even though it may seem more expensive, if you’ve traveled for hours and through multiple time zones, it’s often prudent to order a car or shuttle or take a taxi to your destination rather than a train. If you’re landing in Paris, the RER has had more than its quota of reported robberies. So many people doze off during the ride that it’s a prime place for groups of thieves to take advantage. Just because someone is younger than 12 years old, don’t assume they’re innocent. Many of these children never see the insides of any school other than the ones of hard knocks.
Late at night, train stations attract unofficial "taxi" drivers who extort enormous fares from unsuspecting passengers. If you find yourself in such a situation, find a nearby hotel or restaurant where you can get an idea of the fare you should expect to pay before you accept an offer from one of the "helpful" guys lurking anywhere but at an official taxi stand.
Be on guard — we call it city smart.
Be leery of people who offer to help you with your suitcases when boarding a train. If you’re traveling heavily, you might consider him or her a savior. I didn’t feel that way when I “lost” a purse in Avignon the day before I was scheduled to go to the US. Thank goodness my airline ticket was with the computer that I watched like a hawk because if it were to be stolen, there would be severe repercussions.
The same goes for "survey-takers" holding clipboards, strangers who approach by asking, "Do you speak English?" or those with a card bearing crib notes in several foreign languages. You pause, they get too close, and so on. Just keep walking.
Take safety precautions before leaving home.
Before you leave home, make two or three copies of the pertinent pages of your passport. Ditto for the number of credit cards you will use during your trip. Notify fraud departments at your credit card companies of your travel plans and be sure that you have a four-digit numeric code that will enable you to access ATMs that are increasingly omnipresent in London, Paris, Rome, Madrid, and even Eastern European cities.
Leave a copy of all this information with a trusted relative or friend at home, and carry a set with you; if you're traveling with a companion, carry your own and a copy of your companion's data. Contrary to what many believe, you are not required to carry your passport — a photocopy will suffice. You have 24 hours in France to produce the real McCoy if necessary. Stores will accept a photocopy as identification for détaxe forms.
Stash your passport and extra credit cards in the hotel safe when you reach the hotel. Take only a couple of credit cards with you during your outings. Don’t walk around with wads of cash; most places accept Visa and MasterCard, and, again, ATMs are common at banks, hotels, and even the French post office stations. American Express cards can be problematic in Europe because they tend to charge merchants higher transaction fees. If you’re staying at a five-star hotel, not to worry — there's enough margin built into their rates.
Jewelry should not be flashy.
Don’t wear flashy jewelry; it only draws attention, which also holds for costume jewelry. Professional thieves usually know the real stuff versus the fake; however, amateurs will go for anything that shimmers. Make it your business not to wear adornments that scream "bling bling.” Simple gold necklaces may be the top theft item in many countries.
The advice may sound trite, and some may wonder why these hints merit discussing. However, walk into any foreign consulate in nearly any country, and you’ll encounter a group of fellow countrymen singing the blues. [xyz-ihs snippet="Join-Ad-2"]Stay alert to minimize being the victim. Don't be paranoid after reading this; most ConsumerTraveler readers return home safe and sound.
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Camera shape photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash
Thugs photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash
Paris Metro sign photo by Anastasia Zhenina on Unsplash
Necklace photo by Kate Hliznitsova on Unsplash
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Karen Fawcett
Karen Fawcett loves to travel anywhere. Karen was a founder & president of while living in Paris for over 25 years. She has traveled across Europe and the rest of the world. She is now based in Washington, DC.